All content, including but not limited to photographs and text on this website is protected by copyright (©1989 - 2004 John Harrington) and may not be reproduced anywhere, for any reason, in print or on the web. The photographs are not in the public domain. Do not copy them to another computer, transmit, publish, reproduce, alter or use them to base an illustration or any form of artistic or photographic interpretation on them. I vigorously protect my copyright interests. In the event that an infringement is discovered you will be notified and invoiced the industry-standard TRIPLE FEE for unauthorized usage and/or prosecuted for Copyright Infringement in US Federal Court where you will be subject to a fine of US$100,000 statutory damages as well as our court costs and attorneys' fees.
By entering this site you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this agreement. Entrance to the site is expressly on these conditions which embodies all of the understandings and obligations between the parties hereto. We log all entries to the website. Contact us to secure reproduction rights to any images or call John Harrington Photography at (800) 544-4577. Please understand, it is easier and less expensive to do the right thing.